March 03, 2025

Infographic CV

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information

First Name: Giuseppe
Last Name: Urso
Country: Italy
Birth Date: 02/01/1974
Gender: Male

Work Experience  September 2022 – Up to now

Company: Reindex Srl
Type of business: Information Technology – Services and solutions
Role: Software Engineer

Main Projects:

– REST API services: designing and developing of  REST API services based on Spring MVC and Spring Security framework;

JMS Integration: designing and developing of integration services based on Java JMS, Apache Kafka;

Solr distribution and replication: designing of a distributed search engine based on Apache Solr (master-slave mode)

Work Experience  September 2013 – August 2022

Company: Men at Work Group
Type of business: Information Technology – Services and solutions
Role: System architect and programmer

Main Projects:
Software protection and licensing: software license tool to protect software and comply with license agreements for products. Responsabilities: requirements analysis, algorithm design, architecture design, development.  Technologies: Java Cryptography Architecture JCA/JCE 2.0 APIs, simmetric/asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, Alfresco ECM, Apache Maven;

SOAP services integration: java-based service API to integrate the SOAP Internet services of Postecom (the italian postal service) for hybrid electronic mail and document processing. Responsabilities: source refactoring and development. Technologies: SOAP Web Services, RestFul HTTP, JAX-WS, Alfresco ECM, Apache Maven;

Java -based solution for digital signature: software implementation of the Java JCA/JCE 2.0 APIs. Responsabilities: source refactoring and development. Technologies: Java Bouncy Castle Crypto API, Java Cryptography Architecture JCA/JCE 2.0, IAIK PKCS#11 APIs, Alfresco ECM, Apache Maven;

JMS ActiveMQ enterprise integraton pattern: Message Broker setup and post-configuration, JMS API implementation to asynchronously integrate the Alfresco ECM and Liferay Portal. Responsabilities: requirements analysis, architecture design, development, testing, deployment. Technologies: Apache ActiveMQ Message Broker Middleware, Alfresco ECM, Liferay Portal, Java JMS 2.0 Spec API, Java JSSE, Failover Protocol, Kaha DB, Redhat NFSv4, Spring Framework, Apache Maven 3.0;

ECM searcher front-end: Spring MVC web application to search into the Alfresco ECM repository with the CMIS standard. Responsabilities: architecture design and development. Technologies: Spring MVC and Handler Interceptor, Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS, Alfresco ECM, Apache Maven;

Enterprise portal AM: Alfresco ECM back-office maintenance and monitoring.  Responsabilities: testing, integration, deployment and maintenance. Technologies: Redhat 6.1, Oracle RAC 11.g, Liferay 6.1 Cluster, Alfresco 4.1.1 Cluster, Apache Web Server 2.0 + Mod_jk load balancer, VmWare vsphere 5.0;

Enterprise network management: intranet/extranet systems administration. Responsabilities: requirements analysis, architecture design, deployment, hardening, testing, maintenance and monitoring. Technologies: EC2 Amazon Cloud Computing, Icing/Nagios, Apache Contiuum code’s continuous integration system, intranet Liferay web portal, Maven repository service, intranet services for project management, Zimbra email server, Otrs CRM system, Subversion code versioning server , Squash-tm test management system, JIRA reporting issue system, intranet shared virtualization server based on hypervisors VMWare ESXi, KVM/Qemu, Virtualbox, other services and network protocols (setup, maintenance and monitoring) HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, NFS, Webdav, SSH, NAT, ROUTING, IP MAC BINDING.

Work Experience March 2008 – July 2013

Company: QBR Engineering srl
Type of business: Information Technology – Services and solutions
Role: System architect and programmer

Main Projects:
Liferay-Alfresco systems integration: architecture design and deployment of a Enterprise editorial web platform which integrates Liferay Portal and Alfresco ECM. Technologies: Redhat 6.1, Oracle RAC 11.g, Liferay 6.1 Cluster, Alfresco 4.1.1 Cluster, Apache Web Server 2.0 + Mod_jk load balancer, VmWare vsphere 5.0;

ECM Alfresco setup and integration: application porting and upgrade project of document management system on financial infrastructure. Technologies: Alfresco CMS Clustering, VMWare ESXi, Mysql 5.1, RedHat 5.6 Enterpise, Apache 2.2 Load Balancer, Kofax. Liferay, Sugar CRM;

– Web portals architecture design and development: E-Commerce, crm and b2b web applications development, hardening, maintenance and monitoring of the production environment. Technologies: Apache Struts Framework 1.3, Hibernate, Mysql 5.0 RDBMS, Apache Velocity, Tomcat Servlet Container 5.5, , IBATIS, Oracle DBMS, JSP;

Hosting and system administration of a governative portal: hosting setup, hardening and maintenance of a web portal of the government-owned company deputed to the construction and maintenance of Italian motorways and state highways. Technologies: Apache Web Server 2.2 + Mod_proxy Virtual Host, PHP 5.3, Mysql 5.1;

ADAMO project ( Java open source project for Alfresco ECM custom model building. It aims to make user­friendly the creation of the Alfresco custom models. Technologies: Hibernate, Mysql 5.0 DBMS, Tomcat Servlet Container 6.0, Alfresco-Webscripts, Freemarker Template Engine 2.4, Spring 2.0.6, Spring Surf 1.0.M3;

Number of projects related to Alfresco ECM document management: design and development of Java-based document management projects. Technologies: Apache Struts Framework 1.3, Hibernate, Mysql 5.0 DBMS, Apache Velocity, Tomcat Servlet Container 5.5, Alfresco CMS, Macromedia Flex 3.4, JTWAIN 9 API, RAAR API 1.11;

– Enterprise network management: intranet/extranet systems administration, installation, hardening, maintenance and monitoring. Technologies: EC2 Amazon Cloud Computing, Apache Contiuum code’s continuous integration system, intranet Liferay web portal, Maven repository service, intranet services for project management, Zimbra email server, Otrs CRM system, Subversion code versioning server , Squash-tm test management system, JIRA reporting issue system, intranet shared virtualization server based on hypervisors VMWare ESXi, KVM/Qemu, Virtualbox, other services and network protocols (setup, maintenance and monitoring) HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, NFS, Webdav, SSH, NAT, ROUTING, IP MAC BINDING.

Work Experience October 2006 – February 2008

Company: Exprivia spa
Type of business: Information Technology – Solutions and consulting (banking and financial)
Role: Software analyst and programmer

Main Projects:
Murex-Kondor integration solutions: intranet integration services development for financial system (Murex, Kondor, SIRE). Technologies: IBM WebSphere Business Integration 5.0 ;

Websphere MQ application solutions: development of Message-oriented WebSphere MQ applications. Technologies: Sun Solaris shell script, IBM WebSphere MQ 5.0;

Murex AM: application maintenance, upgrade and testing of Murex Platform ver. 2.11.32, ;

Murex MxML workflow solutilons: development of Murex MxML workflow for xml data import (Kondor);

Education and training

Title of qualification awarded: Alfresco Certified Administrator (ACA)
Organisation providing education: Alfresco Software, Inc.
Final mark: pass
Main subject: Alfresco ECM advanced administration, clustering, performance tuning, troubleshooting.

Title of qualification awarded: Licensed Engineer
Organisation providing education: Professional Engineers Association of Lecce, Italy
Final mark: pass
Main subject: Association for graduate and professional engineers (Province of Lecce, Italy)

Title of qualification awarded: “Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica” (Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering )
Organisation providing education: University of Lecce Italy
Final mark: 104/110
Main subject: Software engineering; Database; Object Oriented Programming; Networking and IT Security


Title: Alfresco for Administrator [Ed. Packt Publishing] – Technical Reviewer
Date: April 2016
ISBN: 9781782175032

Titolo: Liferay 6.x Portal Enterprise Intranets Cookbook [Ed. Packt Publishing] – Technical Reviewer
Date: May 2015
ISBN: 9781782164289

Personal Skills and Competences

OPERATING SYSTEMS: GNU/Linux, Unix, Sun Solaris, Windows 9X, 2000, XP, MS-Dos
OFFICE: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Microsoft Visio, Linux Open Office, Internet, Email Clients
RDBMS: Access, Oracle, Sybase, SqlServer 2000, MySQL, Postgree
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Java, HTML, XML, PHP, SQL, eSQL, UML, Bash Shell, JSP, JavaScript, Perl, Python
MIDDLEWARE AND VIRTUALIZATION: IBM WebSphere Business Integration, VMWare Infrastructure ESXi 4.0 5.0, KVM/QEMU, Virtualbox, WmWare vSphere
DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: Rational Rose, Sybase SQL Advantage, Altova XML Spy, IBM ClearCase, IBM WebSphere Business Integration Toolkit (WBI), Microsoft VisualStudio.Net Framework, Eclipse, Java NetBeans IDE, Microsoft FrontPage
FRAMEWORK and API: Spring, IBATIS, Hibernate, Struts, Apache Velocity, Surf, Jquery, Solr, Lucene, Alfresco Foundation API, Alfresco Webscripts API, Alfresco CMIS API, JMS, JCA, JCE
SOFTWARE LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT: Apache Maven, Apache Conitnuum, Nexus Maven Repository, Apache Ant, Otrs trouble ticket system, Subversion, CVS, GIT, Testlink Management, Squash-TM, WordPress, Zimbra, Jira issue tracking, GLPI Asset Inventory, Portofino
CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES: Amazon EC2 services and Api, Rackspace services and Api, Serverplan, Aruba Cloud services and API, Cloudup, Telecom Ospit@ Virtuale, KOLST
WEB SERVER: Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat servlet container, IIS, OC4J, Jboss
WEB GRAPHIC: Adobe PhotoShop, Corel Draw, ArcView (GIS), Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Freehand, Macromedia Flex
GIS: PHP Mapserver, Arc gis