Settembre 21, 2024

How to Setting up Alfresco content replication

The Alfresco Replication Service is responsible for replicating content between alfresco repositories and controls what is replicated and when content should be replicated. In this post I show how to configure a master/slave replication job in Alfresco 5.0.d. You can find further info here.giuseppeurso-alfresco-replication-job-00

Alfresco Source configuration
  • Enable the replication service


  • Add a transfer target by creating a new transfers folder in Company Home > Data Dictionary > Transfers > Transfer Target Groups > Default Group.
  • Edit the new folder properties and specify the remote Host
  • Click More > Replication Jobs from the menu and create a new Job.
Alfresco Replica configuration 
  • Enable the replication service and the content receiver in the target repository.


In Alfresco Share of the source repository clic Run and refresh the screen after a few minutes to see a status change. To open a locked node in the source repository, where it can be edited you can follow this: giuseppeurso-alfresco-replication-job-05

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1 Comment

  1. Deepak

    Can we customize this replication service, Actually my requirement is i want to do some validation while migration. and i also dont want old folder structure. I have different folder structure in new repository.


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